
Lyu Sen's Personal Blog Website



Dont buy m1 macbook yet! || 别买m1 macbook

最近用了几天新的m1的电脑,13寸的8g。非常卡。我之前用2018款 macbook pro 15 应该是i5的,公司的,结果用坏了,电池鼓大包了。然后换我自己的2018款i7 mac mini用了一段时间,换用目前的m1。

  • 30+ chrome tab
  • 1 slack
  • 1 email
  • 1 wechat work
  • 1 postman
  • 1 mongodb
  • 2/3 vs code
  • 5+ terminal

基本上就这么一些东西。之前intel核心的这两个都比较好,用着不卡,或者说有时候小卡一下,几秒钟就好了也不影响使用和写代码。实在慢了就重启一下程序,都很少重启电脑(我本身很少关机)。现在这个m1的,我真的是一天都会卡一次,下午4,5点开始卡,正好是我要收工验证程序的时候。一般这个点我会跑测试,做修改。他就给我卡terminal和vs code。跑一条npm都要个10秒钟才开始跑。

Recently, I started to use new m1 macbook, it is 13’ 8g version. I used 2018 macbook pro 15 at first, its from my company and it is a new one, then it’s battery got swollen, I have to change to my own 2018 mac mini for a while, it is a 8g i7 mac mini, and now the new m1.
I do the same things on these macs, so I think I have a solid position to score them. In the internet, if you search mac m1 chip comparison, they will told you that m1 is better than intel i9. However, No, m1 is the worst.
Normally, I will open these softwares in my mac, by the way, I tried my best to install m1 version software on m1, so the comparison will be more reasonable:

  • 30+ chrome tabs
  • slack, email, wechat work
  • postman
  • mongod
  • 2/3 vs code
  • 5+ terminal

That’s all. In both 2018 macs, which using intel chips, they work fine. I am not saying that there is never a frozen time. There are some lag happened, but just a few seconds, and restart the program will work, ( I hardly restart computers while working ).
And for the m1 macbook pro, everyday it has a frozen time-period. Normally, 4-5 PM, it is the time that I almost finish the job and start testing my new code. Yes, that time the laptop starts lag, doing something like took 10 seconds to start a npm command. Not execute the command, you know npm command will transfer to normal command then start run, this transfer period suddenly took like 10 seconds without any reason, and also the vscode is lagging for you typing.
If I have to say some good parts of the m1 macbook, then I think it is good for students, and non-tech people.
So, software workers, for your best, dont buy m1 macbook pro.


Graceful exit || 安全退出


process.on('STDINT', callback)

不过之前主要还是在做的是希望exit的命令能够传递到所有的child。所有的process能够执行process.exit()这样的命令。不过有一天运维同学问我现在程序是可以直接退出吗?我愣了,因为原来以为是可以的,但是其实发现是有漏洞的。我的message queue的模型,从一个message做完扔到另外一个message queue里面去,是必然会存在数据不同步的阶段。如果在那是执行了终止操作,那就会有问题了。虽然说切断的时机可能性微乎其微,因为没有原子性,我趋向于将两个操作尽可能在一起执行,但是依然是不稳定的。如今有了这个安全退出的概念,那么有些动作就是可以停止的,有些动作是不可以停止的。不可以停止的动作我的想法是上锁一样的结构,在进行操作的时候锁,离开的时候解锁,断开数据库一定要在解锁的情况下才能终止。这样就安全了,而且整个体系也完美了,我觉得完全没有逻辑漏洞了。哎泪眼汪汪,之前加了多进程支持之后加了错误重试,超时机制,错误处理。现在加上这个安全退出我觉得就完整了。

no english version tonight, I took the melatonin, so tomorrow I will wake up early and start this graceful exit implementation.


Start work with junior developer on my project || 开始带新人


Start to work with junior developer. I am exciting but also full of stress. And today is the day I start working for two whole years. I remember when I first joined the team, I knew nothing but tried to do everything I could do. After a whole year, I think my coding skill was over the entry-level requirement. After another half year, I think my engineer skill was over the entry-level requirement. Now, another half year passed, I dont have much improvement, maybe a little enhanced on designing development plans.
But work with junior and provide some instruction are still too much for me. It feels like I try so hard to go over the water and start breathing, but suddenly someone under the water grab my feet. What can I say? I have nothing to instruct others, so I feel stress and worrying. But maybe the stress and worries will push me out of comfort zone and to a better place.


Online Course in Feb Every Year || 每年二月学网课

2017年2月,我在Udacity上完成了Data Engineer的网课。2018年2月,我在Udacity在没有按时完成Deep Learning的网课,因为那一年我回家了一趟,错过了项目时间,要再学还要花钱,就算了。2019年2月我在Udacity完成了Front-End Developer的项目。2020年2月我工作压力很大。2021年2月,我完成了Udacity上C++的课程。估计是因为2月在外过年,比较孤独吧。

In Feb 2017, I finished Udacity Data Engineer Nano-degree. In Feb 2018, I took Udacity Deep Learning Nano-degree but not finished because I went back to China. In Feb 2019, I finished Udacity Front-End Developer Nano-degree. In Feb 2021, I finished C++ Nano-degree. I guess because Feb contains day for Chinese new year, I feel lonely when I am aboard.


Untitled || 无题

最近一直在玩slay the spire。这个游戏太赌博了,一玩就不想停下来,因为赌徒心理,总觉得下一把可以。真的没啥技术含量,就是看运气抽不抽的到要的卡。

Took me some time to build this blog, and yes, people start to get clubhouse. I feel I have been left for decades. Since I have already started, I will keep going.
These days, I research on third party connection. I was reading about other app’s API documents. Those documents are really good, and they have SDK. So, for us… we dont have documents. Well third party connection will always come with Oauth, I spend some time learning Oauth, I found is not that difficult.
And recently, I have been playing Slay The Spire. The game is a true gambling game, when I start I dont want to stop. These is no much tips/skills in the game, all about is the luck.


C++ Learning Short Summary || C++学习短评

真的环境真的是语言学习曲线里面最重要的一环。你想python ubuntu自带,pip安装。js,node一装完事,npm安装不用愁。
这C++我真的是,从第一个项目开始花时间最多的地方就是装tmd的东西,ubuntu apt里面的cmake居然不是最新的,还要我去下载做ln。说实在的,我之前可能真的对linux系统了解很少,不知道一般安装文件是怎么样的,就是apt跑一下,现在都知道了。最麻烦的是有些包还要当场make,make还容易出问题。

One of the most important component to consider the learning curve for programming language learning, is preparing the developing environment. For python, default in ubuntu, using pip to install modules. For JS, everything done when you installed node, npm will handle the rest.
For C++, I hate to say that, from the first project, I spend most of my time installing stuff. Can you believe that I have to install cmake myself? Ubuntu apt dont support latest cmake, I have to use ln. To be honest, I only have few understanding of linux. I just use apt to install software. Thanks to the project, I know all. And some package even needs me to make it on my own.
And, in order to get more students’ attentions, these online courses, put much effect to make the result of the project looks good. Yes, virtually good. However, that actually just make your project looks nice, but that did nothing on your coding practice. And that’s why I have to install opencv for the project, which took a lot of time.
After all, I have to say that even I complained so much, This is not bad at all, in real life, when I am working, things like this do happen. Even when I using JS at my job, I spent a lot of time on preparing the development environment.


Mumbling Starts || 呓语起源


I am learning c++ recently. When I was checking dev blogs, I found someone is using one page for all the spark of thoughts. I think this is a very good idea, because I always come up some words, but those words are too short to form a post and I cannot find a place to put them. Now I will have a place to put them.
