
Lyu Sen's Personal Blog Website



How I Build This Blog Second Part.

This post will provide many basic concepts for entry level blog user. I believed that before you thinking about how to implement something, you have to understand what you are building and why you needs to do that. Back to the days when I know nothing about web or blog, many tutorials I was followed will simple tell you to do step one, step two, but I dont know anything about what this step for. So this time, I will be first talk about these basics, and try to make them unrelated with the languages. If you already have good understanding of networking, you should skip this post.


My way to understand the website is that the website is the resources on the server. When user using the browser, they open the resources which come from the remote server, like images, texts. Then the browser will download the resources and do some manage and they will show you the web page. Image you are using MS Word, you open that, then you choose a file to open. The browser is just like MS Word, the address you put in browser is the address your file you opened. Only difference is that you opened a remote file and you cannot edit but read-only.


Server is just a remote computer. You are not using your usb-mouse or usb-keyboard to interact with them, instead you are using internet signals. In server, you need to put on your web pages and open them to everyone, so people could get this by internet. Start from here, your website is open to visit.
Every server in internet will have a ipv4 string, mostly. And if you rent server from others, they will provide that. You can think of that is the unique name of your server, using which everyone will find this particular server, and using which you could login this server. When you buy/rent a server, I strongly recommend you to read this to do basic settings.
Some server providers are AWS from amazon, azure from MS. And Linode, Vultr. For me, I use digital ocean. I would recommend you AWS, because it is the most used provider. And digital ocean is good to entry levels, they have many posts and instructions for documents. Here I will provide my refer code for digital ocean.

Domain && DNS

Your server’s ipv4 is just like a phone number, apparently no one could remember all the phone numbers, so no one will remember your ipv4, everyone will remember something like google.com / facebook.com. So the domain is used to replace that.

  • The biggest domain provider is goddady. and I am using google domain now, they both are good domain providers.
  • There are some domain provided free, like Freenom have some domains are free to use, they are good for you to play around.
    After this you will need to link your domain with you server, this could be done with DNS configuration. In some cases, domain provider may not provide DNS for you, you may need to find yourself a free DNS provider. It is not difficult, you just need to set something called A record. Most DNS provider will have documents to tell you how to do that. A record is just like put your number into the phone book.

SSL certificate

Most website nowadays will provide something called certificate, that is ssl certificate, it is used to encrypt you webpage. Image online shopping, when you request your website from your server, is just like shopping online, the delivery guy is delivery your resources to you. If you dont have a ssl certificate, it just like no box of the package, so the delivery guy will know what it is right away.
There is a very easy way to get ssl and totally free, that is let’s encrypt. They have a very easy way for you to do it, I strongly recommend you include that in your website.

Non-server implement

Some instruction you might read tells you that you dont need a remote server nor a domain. So why is that? Actually, these two things is provided by others. Let’s take a look at this very good example github page.
Every github page will provide you a domain like xxx.github.io. This domain is actually a sub-domain for github.io( all domain comes from back to front, normally you see them in the format of xxx.xxx, here you see aaa.bbb.ccc, you will know that is sub-domain for bbb.ccc). However, the subdomain actually does the same thing as normal domain, they all replace the complex ipv4.
In the similar way github also provide the server, because you actually post your page data to repo in github, so the git is just like a server, it contains the resources, it could be managed by git, it could also managed by web.
So no server implement is also have server and domain.

Frontend & Backend

Here we use a not strict definition here. As we talked before, open a website is: find the server, request the resources, get the resource and show them to users. In this process, backend is referring to when people find the server, backend will be that one to response to provide resources from server to people. And frontend is actually the resources, when the browser gets the resources, frontend code tells the browser how to manage the resources and show the web page to the user.

Image Hosting Service

You put your resources in server, but that does not mean you have to get all your recourses from one server. FOr example for the pictures, you can post them on your server, but also you could use a image hosting service. So the images won’t takes all your storage.

Google Analytics & Other third party

Google Analytics are very easy to use tool for the website owner to do virtual analyses to learn about the usage of their website. Those service, including salesforce, are main source for data used for marketing campaign. They will gather data from people who visiting the website, normally they will get location info, time info and click info from the user. Web analytics are very big area, I like to recommend you to install it and try, it is totally free.
And about installment of these kind of third party service is really easy. First you need to register in their website, and get a id to represent the data you will get from the page. Then you will ingest a code, which they will provided to you and the id together into your webpage, that’s all. Then you just need to go back to their website to see the results and beautify charts.


RSS is a kind old stuff, but I still think it is cool. You could get a abstract from every posts in web in certain rule and put them all into one file. That file will increase when you write new posts. So other people by listen to the changes of this file to know that you provided new posts. They could use RSS reader to read the abstract of your posts and even open your post to read more. Creating RSS file is also very easy, you just need to make that file to public.

我如何搭建这个blog系列 第二篇



最简单的网站理解,网站是一个服务器上的资源。用户使用浏览器,打开了远程服务器上的资源,包括图片文字信息等。然后浏览器做一定的整合这些信息生成看到的网页。想象你打开一个MS Word,然后选择文件,打开你的一篇具体的文章。浏览器就像是MS Word,你输入的地址就是你想要打开的文件位置,有一点区别的就是,回车之后你就打开了服务器上的文件,而且你不能修改他网站上的文件,你只能看。


一般的服务器提供商有amazon的aws,MS的azure,还有一些你在翻墙指南中会听到的名字,比如Linode,Vultr,板瓦工。而我自己经常使用的是digital ocean。我觉得aws是最大的最普遍的提供商,我比较推荐。还有就是digital ocean,对新手很友好,教程很多。我这里也贴一下我的digital ocean的refer

域名 & DNS


  • 最大的域名提供商是godaddy,我目前在使用的是google domain。
  • 国内的域名也一样不推荐因为备案原因。不过如果你想买.cn的就得考虑国内的域名提供商,比如阿里云。
  • 当然有一些域名是免费的。比如Freenom旗下的有一些域名是免费的,免费域名挺适合新手作为练手使用。




我们可以看到一些教程说的不需要服务器的搭建,很多教程也说不需要域名。那到底是怎么一回事呢?其实他们是都提供了。举个最简单的例子,github page。

前端 & 后端


资源 & 图床


Google Analytics & 其他第三方服务

Google Analytics是一种很方便的数据统计可视化软件来帮助网页管理者查看网页的使用情况。这种服务还有saleforce等目前是市场运动很主要的工具和数据来源。他们通过收集访问网页的人的信息(位置信息,时间,点击内容等等)来分析网站。比如如何调整用户界面等等。web analytic是一个很大很新的一个市场,这里就不过多展开了,只是建议大家可以装一下体验一下。

